The people of Walmart are intriguing enough, but among them there are subsets which we can explore. Here are the parents of Walmart. Enjoy.

1. The Parent Whose Kid Doesn’t Even Hang On

There’s lazy, and then there’s lazy. We’ve seen photos of kids hanging on to the back of mobility vehicles, maybe even clinging on for their lives. But this kid? He just doesn’t have the energy to care. He is laying out on his back as casually as if he was at home in his room, daydreaming while staring at the ceiling. He has worked out an enterprising way to wrap his ankles into the chair so that it will drag him along as it moves. Along he goes behind his parent, helpfully cleaning up the floors of the Walmart with his coat. His father doesn’t seem to care about what his kid is up to, or else he totally condones this kind of behaviour. Either one is really just as bad as the other, when you think about it. How can it be that so many separate parents all think that this is acceptable parenting behaviour?

2. The Parent Who Acts As A Shelf

When you are a parent, it’s important to encourage your kids to be as healthy as possible. The better they look after their bodies, the healthier they will be – and the longer they will live. That’s what we all want for our kids, right? In this case, the parent is instead teaching their child about how great and useful it is to be obese. The kid is standing literally on the shelf of his parent’s behind. There’s large, and then there’s this. It also looks super dangerous for the kid to be hanging on like that, as if he could slip and fall to the ground at any moment. Not to mention the public spectacle they are making of themselves, since this isn’t something that you see happening every day. This photo is just so many shades of no all wrapped up into one. Hopefully the kid will realize that one day.

3. The Parent Who Cuffs Their Kid

What is it with parents not feeling like they can stop their kid from running off? Look, we get it – it’s hard to pay attention to a kid and keep them under your watchful eye at the same time as getting the weekly groceries in. But you don’t have to resort to this kind of technique. The poor kid has been handcuffed to the cart, and what’s more, he doesn’t even look that young. If he causes so much trouble when out shopping, maybe he should be left at home with a babysitter or sent to a friend’s house. Surely this has to be the kind of last resort which is only employed by law enforcement. Not only is it a very extreme measure, but it’s likely to hurt the young boy’s wrist and arm if he doesn’t keep up with the cart. Not only that, but it’s very embarrassing for him and could get the parents into hot water.

4.The Parent Who Shames Their Child For Lying

This parent has apparently decided there’s only one way to get their child to stop lying, and that is to resort to public humiliation. Despite the fact that this kind of punishment should have gone out with the medieval age, this Walmart family is proudly bringing it back. Hanging a sign around the young child’s neck which reads “I am a liar” wasn’t bad enough. They also made it from bright yellow card which can be seen from far away. This kid has definitely been humiliated by his punishment, that much is clear to see. He is also lingering behind his family as if they no longer want to associate with him. The parents and older brother don’t seem concerned at all – the father is even supportively touching the mother on the back. Considering that most kids love to get attention, they might just find that this punishment ends up backfiring and turning their son into even more of a liar.

5.The Parent Who Lets His Daughter Push Him Around

You know what they say – she’s a real daddy’s girl. She has him wrapped around her finger. She just pushes him around all day long, and he lets her. No, we aren’t talking about a loveable father-daughter relationship, but about this Walmart family. The daughter, who is clearly a very young girl and only just walking herself, is pushing her father around in the baby seat attached to the shopping cart. Alright, so this one was probably staged as a joke about reversing the roles of parent and child. At least, we hope it was. Otherwise that guy’s serene expression is just waiting to be wiped off his face. We doubt that he’s getting very far with this mode of transportation anyway – just how fast can a toddler push a grown man plus a full load of shopping? It probably isn’t going very much faster than this still image.